Research Shows That a Healthy Diet Will Slow or Stop Most Cancers
I am not a Doctor and have no desire to be one. My work is based on educating and specifically teaching prevention in our many workshops and programs.
However, I am currently seeing seven clients for health counselling. They have terminal cancer from prostate, ovarian, brain, and breast. All of them asked their doctor or oncologist about diet, and each and every one of these clients received the same answer:
Diet makes no difference. Eat everything in moderation.
While there have been some small improvements in survival rates over the past forty years for cancer patients, the incidents of cancer continue to grow. This is regardless of the good intentions of their doctors aggressively attacking their tumors with surgery, radiation, and/or chemotherapy. Improved survival from a healthy low-fat, plant-based diet has been shown to positively affect survival in many cancers. Wouldn’t it make sense then if we focused on the importance of food and especially thought about the big issue here – what we ingest daily creates health or disease.
Make some of my fermented pickles to strengthen your overall immunity.
What we eat is after all what makes our blood, tissue, organs, and ultimately us. This enlightened dietary approach focuses on strengthening the human body and its magnificent abilities to heal and stay healthy; while, at the same time, removing cancer-causing and promoting elements from peoples’ diets. Human nutrition is no different from the soil that our food is grown in, what we eat feeds the gut biome.
One of my clients who has an inoperable brain tumor had chemotherapy that did not help him. He has had remarkable results with the brain tumor shrinking by 50% since he started on a Macrobiotic diet and lifestyle. The second tumor is now also shrinking. Spontaneous regression happens so often when the body is given the right tools to heal itself.
There are no other ground-breaking answers on the horizon; we all need to look at our diet and lifestyle. People are becoming more educated and aware of their options beyond medical treatment, and I am delighted to see this happen. My friend Professor T. Colin Campbell and many other Doctors in the States are doing incredible work with their educational programs on prevention.
Not only is a whole foods plant-based diet the healthiest way of eating that has ever been studied, but it’s more effective in promoting health and preventing disease than prescription drugs, surgery, vitamins, and mineral supplements and genetic manipulation. Here in the U.K., we are so far behind the curve in educating alternative healthcare.
My recent response last week from the Government was the usual nonsensical approach. They never address my actual questions; they simply skip over them and reply to me with the same old same old. They should be committed to helping people find the path to health instead of focusing on funding the NHS (which is basically what all their current political campaigns are about). Find your way back to your kitchen and enjoy cooking delicious, nutritious food for yourself and your family.
Baked Tofu with Baby Corn and Vegetables
- 1 pack block extra firm tofu
- 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
- 1 tbsp toasted sesame oil
- 1 tbsp Shoyu
- 1 tsp brown rice syrup
- 1 tbsp minced fresh ginger
- 1 tbsp minced fresh garlic
- ½ tsp ground coriander
Place all these ingredients in a jar, close the lid, and shake well to mix.
Press the excess liquid from the tofu, cut into cubes, and place in a container with a lid. Pour the marinade over the tofu, cover, and place in the fridge for one hour. Preheat the oven to 180/375 degrees. Drain off the excess marinade, and bake the tofu on a parchment paper lined baking sheet for 30 minutes. Halfway through, turn the tofu for even baking. If you prefer a crusty finish, simply grill for a few minutes after baking.
Choose your choice of vegetables – I steamed some red onion, baby corn, carrots, and green cabbage. The balance of steaming and baking made a lovely combination. Serve with rice or noodles.
In good health,

A long-time vegan, lover of animals, nature and life and passionate about human ecology. As an eternal optimist, increasing the number of people worldwide to switch to a wholefood, plant-based diet and vegan lifestyle is her mission. Together with her husband Bill Tara, they have created The Human Ecology Project.