
Probiotics – Digestion and Immune System Support

Myths of Eating a Wholegrain Plant Based Diet

Digestion and Immune System Foods

Wholegrains Strengthen the digestive system – It is a well-known fact among my family and friends that I do love to dispel a myth or two. I adore teaching clients and students the foods that aid in digestion and are amazing for immune system support.

The myth about wholegrain being very difficult to digest alongside people claiming that it is the cause of constipation or how expensive it is to eat a healthy diet have to be at the top of my list.

Foods to strengthen the digestive system are of paramount importance in achieving a healthy intestinal tract to allow optimum food absorption particularly when introducing wholegrain into your diet.


Going Vegan – The Way to Health and Longevity -The Vegan Life

We all have difficulties in our lives. Sometimes our problems may seem small in comparison to others but ultimately, they are a large part of what defines us. Our personal story has great potential value to us if we can learn and grow from it. Sometimes it can be of value to others as well. I hope that my story can be of value to you. In my latest book, Go Vegan, I am telling my story as a way of explaining why the issue of health has always been important to me and why I moved to a whole food plant-based diet and vegan life.


Cancer Prevention with a Healthy Diet

Research Shows That a Healthy Diet Will Slow or Stop Most Cancers

I am not a Doctor and have no desire to be one.  My work is based on educating and specifically teaching prevention in our many workshops and programs.

However, I am currently seeing seven clients for health counselling.  They have terminal cancer from prostate, ovarian, brain, and breast.  All of them asked their doctor or oncologist about diet, and each and every one of these clients received the same answer:


Keeping the Weight off Permanently with Diet Changes

Marlene Watson-Tara, the author of Go Vegan and co-founder of the Human Ecology Project,  educates on the importance of knowing your carbohydrates and why some diet changes will enable people to keep weight off permanently.

Over the past ten years, we have seen many developments in why we are gaining weight. There are ‘silver bullet’ nutritional supplements and new diets constantly hitting the market, but there has been little improvement for the long-term. Many nations continue to pile on the pounds, including our own; recent NHS research has highlighted that one in three in the UK are obese.


Healthy Longevity with Detox and Exercise

All of my life, I have been in love with the concept of detox and exercise by keeping fit, flexible and energized, and have taught many aerobics classes (being the Jane Fonda of Scotland in the early 80’s with matching headbands and leg warmers…. Oh yes, I even had the hairdo! Lordy….). However, as my passion for Traditional Chinese Medicine deepened and I started my studies with Chiball, I have been in love with this beautiful way of working my body out daily. For decades, I continue to have energy of someone half my age, and Mr. Tara calls me his ‘energizer bunny.’

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