Group fitness can be intimidating, especially yoga. It’s scary walking into a class by yourself where you may not be an expert. Moving with your breath feels awkward, and you’re unsure of the poses. However, you can use these 8 tips to grow your love for yoga. I promise you won’t always suck at it.
Turning Stress into Strength
Every time I move it’s proven challenging. As a metaphysical teacher, I have learned enough now to know that life is not going to be perfect. Mistakes happen, life happens. Stress is part of the journey to becoming an enlightened human. As a soul, you already know how to manage stress. As a human, we are often confused, frustrated, and triggered by emotional attacks on the psyche. Those can come in many ways. Whether it’s your movers dropping your furniture, the handyman not showing up, or the rude neighbor, stranger, or even friend who sends you off in a tizzy. All those things and more happened to me just this week alone!
How to Quiet the Mind Without Actually Meditating
I cannot tell you how many people tell me they can’t meditate and how difficult it is to quiet the mind.
Science is proving how meditation lowers stress levels, decreases depression, and even boosts our immune system.
So you really should be doing it.
How to Transform Your Life From the Inside Out
Transforming your life is an inside job. Period. No exception.
You Make The Way
You are the key holder no matter who or what gave you that key. A therapist, a book, a newspaper article. It or they may be placed in your path, but it’s your work to do, your journey to take. This is something that most people have yet to understand, but it is the work of a human being. The soul’s job is to guide you into thoughts that create joy, but our ego comes along to trip us up at every turn.
Physical Results of Stress
Why Is Stress So Dangerous to Your Body and Mind?
It’s no secret that stress stinks, but do you realize just how dangerous it actually is to your mind and body? Whether your stress is a result of sleep deprivation, high-pressure workdays, or financial instability, your emotional and physical health are taking the toll.