A Balanced Life is a Conscious, Holistic Creation
Balance can be achieved in many ways, but at its core, it is…

Drinking Fresh Peppermint Tea
By drinking peppermint tea every morning, I noticed positive changes right away. Here…

How to Overcome Feeling Overwhelmed
When we get to a state of overwhelm, it goes beyond being busy.…

Dieting Is Out
Being Overweight It can affect many aspects of your life. Aside from a…

Getting Motivated to Lose Half a Pound a Day- Part One: A Health Coach’s Hack
Last summer, I ran a 20-day experimental program where 513 Western women were…

For Superior Heart Health, Slow Aging, and Cognitive Function: Exercise
Want to achieve superior health and slow the aging process? We know the…

Find Yourself By Losing Track of Time
October in 2019, I took a trip to New Orleans. It was some…

Burn Fat with My Magic Mineral Broth
Magic Mineral Broth A vegetable broth made from organically grown vegetables can be…

I’m Not Losing Weight, Only Losing Inches
Standing on the scale can give you one of the most nerve-racking moments…

How Gluten Benefits Us
The current gluten-free diet craze is unhealthy for those who do not need…

Make Green Tea Part of Your Life and Lose Weight Effortlessly- Part Two
Green tea can be an amazing addition to your life. Not only can…

The Definitive Guide to Effortless Weight Loss With Tea- Part One
Green tea can be an amazing addition to your life. Not only can…

Nutrition For a Healthy Gut- Improve Your Gut Health Naturally
A healthy digestive system is at the root of all health. That's logical…

Food and the Five Tastes
I am a long time proponent of a whole food, plant-based diet and…

Increasing Your Energetic Vibration Today: 11 Tips
Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, getting out of a funk can…

How to Let Go of the Scale Without Letting Yourself Go
Scale Obsession According to Harvard Health, for most dieters, preventing the pounds from…

Beginning the Croissant Diet: Part Two
For decades now, I have believed that polyunsaturated fat from sources such as…

Summer Vegan Healthy Recipes
Soon we will be enjoying the longer days and warmer weather of the…

Diet and Human Ecology
The biosphere is a delicate and dynamic system of energy, as well as…

How I Eliminated My Spare Tire on the Croissant Diet: Part One
The croissant diet or how I eliminated my spare tire by eating croissants…

Daily Mindfulness and Meditation to Cope with Stresses of Daily Life
What does it mean to be ‘mindful’? How do you know if you’re…

How Much Fat Should You Eat? An International Perspective
One of the biggest observations I had when I first came to the…

Living a Healthy Life: The Secrets to Losing Weight
Dr. Maya Sarkisyan provides secrets to losing weight and live a healthy life.…

Whole Body Vibration Training: Power Plate
It’s no secret that including a fitness program in your life is vital…

Five Better Nutrition Choices For Those Over 55
To age better, your body needs better nutrition, more often. How can you…

The Truth About Whole Grains: Part One
Our Human Ecology Diet has cereal grain as its foundation. Taken as a…

Heal the Soul with 9 Tips for Self-Care
Nowadays, when people hear the word self-care, they think massages and pampering, wine…

Eating as if All Life Matters
I know, I know. He’s my husband, but… Bill’s new book is incredible.…

The Consequences of Disaster Nutrition
Every time a celebrity eats a piece of tofu I hear a round…

Learn to Trust your Intuition
In Inner Bonding, we often talk about who is in charge - your…

Detoxing Your Body with Juicing, Does it Work?
Anything that promises detoxification sounds a little questionable – like products that claim…

Toxic Ingredients in Food
Ever wonder what’s really in the food sold at grocery stores around the…

Four Pounds off a Week… by Not Trying
My client Alaina is feeling ecstatic lately. The first week she joined my…

Achieve Optimal Weight and Health
Achieving sustainable weight loss takes a more nuanced approach to your diet than…

Health’s Deeper Meaning
Mother Earth is a common representation of our planet that focuses on the…

Food Trade-Offs and Anxiety: Part Five
In this series of articles, we have seen that our brain makes constant…

Fasting an Introduction
Fasting has become a popular trend in dieting and health. You have probably…

Walking for Health and Happiness
Walking for most people is the most underrated form of exercise. But each…

Get Pumped Safely With Plant Protein
Isolated protein, especially soy plant protein powder, is popularly blended into shakes and…

Seasonal Eating and Nutrition
Seasonal cycles, shifts in the weather, and even the move from night to…

Serotonin, Endorphin and Food Anxiety: Part Four
Loretta Graziano Breuning, PhD, shares how food holds value and produces serotonin and…

Triggering Addiction and Weight Gain with Unhealthy Foods
Overweight and obesity affect two-thirds of the American population, and the abundance and…

It’s Easy to Go Vegan
It’s Easy to go Vegan Going vegan is simply a choice you make.…

The Key to Weight Loss
How often have you eaten something that you know is going to put…

Oxytocin and Food Anxiety: Part Three
Whatever triggered your oxytocin in youth built a pathway that turns it on…

Probiotics – Digestion and Immune System Support
Myths of Eating a Wholegrain Plant Based Diet Digestion and Immune System Foods…

Dopamine and Food Anxiety: Part Two
The joy of food is one of your first experiences in life. A…

Understanding and Ending the Obesity Crisis
We live in an obesogenic society filled with mental, emotional, and physical cues…

Weight Gain During Menopause and How I Have Dealt With It
I wrote a blog some time ago about "Losing 5kg," and guess what?…

Double Your Energy With One Simple Solution
If you are a busy professional struggling to balance work and family, and…

Better Nutrition Tips to Beat Acne and Skin Issues
Struggling with skin issues, specifically acne? Whether you frequently get a visit from…

I Lost 50 lbs Without Cutting Carbs: You Can Do It, Too
Entrepreneur and Publicity Coach Selena Soo once sent her community members an email…

Approaching Nutrition in an Ethical Way
Bill Tara, takes an honest look at our food-supply, climate change, and how…

Healthy Vegan Snacks for Optimum Health- Snack on the Foods You Were Born to Eat
You can literally eat your way to optimum health and achieve your ideal…

Food That Harms, Food That Heals
Our country is stretched to the limit due to the cost of health…

Just do it: Both Short and Long Workouts Reap Big Results
Exercise is crucial for health and longevity. A huge study published in JAMA Internal…

Five Reasons Seasonal Foods are Better for You
Seasonal eating is more important than you may imagine. On one hand, it’s…

10 Ways the Universe Sends You Messages
Okay, let’s be honest here. How many times have you stopped to ponder…

Tried Everything to Lose Weight but Nothing Worked?- This is For You
Several people who recently watched Crazy Rich Asians asked me if it’s true…

Self-Care: Are You Resistant to Health and Fitness?
Of course you want to be healthy and fit. Who doesn't? But are…

Becoming Vegan- Eight Easy Steps
Chances are, most vegans have said, "I could never be vegan. I like…

Eating Sensibly with Joy and Not Fear: Food and Anxiety-Part One
A nap would give you a boost, but that seems impossible. A call…

The Surprising Benefits of Exercise: Heart and Brain Health
Exercise does much more than just burn calories. The calories burned during exercise,…

Inspirational Recipes for Your Health
Inspirational recipes for your health. Included are the Rice and Vegetable Wakame Salad…

Fitness: You Gotta Wanna!
Derek McGuire is a fitness expert that goes by the motto - "you…

Liberate Blocked Energy and Thrive
Energy, (Chi) is what animates us and gives us life. As a teacher…

Changing Your Exercise Routine
The third part of my journey left off when I was somewhere around…

Going Vegan – The Way to Health and Longevity -The Vegan Life
We all have difficulties in our lives. Sometimes our problems may seem small…

Six Worst Foods for Diabetes
Over 25 million people in the United States have diabetes, and diabetes takes…

8 Ways to Love Yoga Even if You Think You Suck at It
Group fitness can be intimidating, especially yoga. It's scary walking into a class…

Eat Consciously for Permanent Health
Your most intimate, personal and permanent relationship is with food. That is why…

You Can Escape Small Portions While Consistently Losing Weight
The first time at a KFC in the United States, I asked for…

Nutrition And Tradition
One of the most controversial and curious subjects in modern nutrition is the…

Cancer Prevention with a Healthy Diet
Research Shows That a Healthy Diet Will Slow or Stop Most Cancers I…

Why I Chose “Sexy Fit Vegan”
I created my brand, Sexy Fit Vegan®, in 2013, when the truth about…

Love Yourself to Weight Loss
If you ask almost any overweight person, "Do you really want to lose weight?"…

Staying Fit with Autumn Cooking
Autumn is officially here and the harvest moon at the start of this…

Turning Stress into Strength
Every time I move it’s proven challenging. As a metaphysical teacher, I have…

Vegan Fitness – Why You Can’t Outrun Your Fork
I was recently asked to give a talk about vegan fitness. I had…

CBD May Improve Your Social Connection
The great irony is that as we become increasingly connected—on social media, video calling, and messaging—we…

Keeping the Weight off Permanently with Diet Changes
Marlene Watson-Tara, the author of Go Vegan and co-founder of the Human Ecology Project, educates…

How You Can Love Your Body AND Change It Simultaneously
Today’s episode focuses on a topic that our listeners have been requesting… body…

How to Quiet the Mind Without Actually Meditating
I cannot tell you how many people tell me they can’t meditate and…

Improve Sports Performance Naturally
Whether you are a professional athlete or a weekend warrior, your sports performance…

Feeling Tired – Your Hormones May be the Cause
We age – it’s a normal part of life. However don’t confuse aging…

Healthy Longevity with Detox and Exercise
All of my life, I have been in love with the concept of…

How to Achieve Your Ideal Weight
Achieving your ideal weight offers unique opportunities and difficult challenges. Food is your…

Natto: A Good Source of Protein
What is Natto? Natto is a fermented food made by fermenting soybeans using…

Plant-Empowered Living
The time has come to share my journey from disordered eating to plant-empowered…

Journey into Dieting
The second part of my journey started in my college years. This is…

The Precise Amount of Nutrients
Have you ever thought of how precise the balance of nutrients in your…

How to Transform Your Life From the Inside Out
Transforming your life is an inside job. Period. No exception. You Make The…

Losing Weight as an Older Woman
Leah, a client of mine, called me for a phone session because she…

How to Maintain a Healthy and Balanced Diet
Incorporating a healthy and balanced diet into your lifestyle is absolutely essential for…

Physical Results of Stress
Why Is Stress So Dangerous to Your Body and Mind? It’s no secret…